Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hump Day Confessions ... Mom Style!

It's Hump Day Confessions here in Blog Land and I'm playing along ... I offer you My Mother's Day Confessions!

#1    I picked going to Oaks Park or the Zoo on Mother's Day so I didn't have to listen to my kids fight.


#2      I had zero experience and I was scared to death.

#3      I actually taught my kids how to get what they wanted from their Dad. I called it their "rite of     
          passage" Sorry Tim.

#4     I did things to purposely embarrass them.
         One time Jessi asked me, "Mommy why do you embarrass yourself?"

#5    I wasn't always into it and I don't think they noticed. :)

I love you Matt and Jessi !!!

Image Map


  1. haha love this! my mum definitely did the embarrassing thing ;)

  2. my daughter has found her way of getting stuff from my husband - she looks up at him with her puppy dog eyes and says "please daddy? for meeeeeeee?". gets him every time. #pussy

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda

  3. Ha ha these are hilarious! I definitely want to go to the zoo for Mother's Day. It's my son's favorite place to go :D I am definitely going to embarrass the boys when they get older!

  4. my mom and dad still go out of their way to embarrass me on the regular!

  5. Love your confessions! Sorry Dad, we learned young how to get what we want from you (and all men for that matter). Thanks mom!

  6. Teach me how to get what I want, master!!!!! haha

  7. I can say my mom never embarrassed me. It was always my dad and he still does to this day.

  8. Ummmm I want my mom to write one of these now! I need to know the childhood raising confessions!!!


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