Thursday, May 1, 2014

Are you a Human Be-ing or a Human Do-ing?

 Slowing down and having balance is something I've struggled with most of my life. Having two kids in 6 sports, coaching, assistant coaching and score keeping while trying to make a living starting and running our own business for 22 years with all the chores as the Woman CEO of our home was exhausting.

Add to that my compulsiveness fear of failing at anything everything and you have a recipe for an Angie that forgot to "stop and smell the roses," even while she was surrounded by them. I'm not saying to not be busy. Hell, go for it. Dream Big and be what you want to be, get what you want to get and Kick Ass doing it.

So how is it possible to balance all that and add in your well be-ing? That is a mountain that many people climb their entire life. That consuming feeling of not having enough hours in the day and even if your wish was granted by some "hour fairy," you'd still need more. As long as you're do-ing, do-ing, do-ing and not being mindful of just be-ing, this will be your never ending story ...

What is be-ing? That's the place where you find your gaps in the day. That little place in your world where everything stops shouting spinning and you notice things just got quiet if only for a few seconds. Be-ing is recharging your batteries, surrendering to the universe and being present in the moment. Even if it's just one moment, seize it and keep it as simple as one (1) extra minute in the shower, putting it on idle in the grocery store line, parking further away for just a few more steps in the way to work ...

And don't forget to play. Work hard and play hard. Have some fun. Be happy. Be a kid. Kids can teach us a lot about be-ing and enjoying our lives. So, have a great day and ...

Image Map


  1. I like seeing Angie Be-ing more than Angie Do-ing (although she's still always do-ing if you ask my opinion!)

  2. all work and no play makes Melissa stabby

  3. I'm still trying to find balance and figure out how to make things a little less hectic, but it is definitely a must to take a breather and have a nice moment to yourself :)

  4. I love this. I work 2 jobs, trying to get healthier so I spend a lot of time in the I tend to get Saturday off from BOTH jobs so I try to take this time to 'be' and just breath for a bit and take time for myself. I can tell a huge difference in my life when I do and when I don't.


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